Book Club Discussion Questions for Tessa

Following are some questions to spark book club discussions on my novel, Tessa: From Fear to Faith. Feel free to print these and alter them as needed to fit your club. (Updated 11/10/2013)

1. Why do you think Tessa calls her father "Walter"? What might have happened earlier in her childhood to cause this?

2. Abuse comes in many forms. It can be as overt as a fist strike, or as subtle as a demeaning comment. What forms of abuse do you see in the story? In the lives of people around you? What can you do to counteract it?

3. What is Heather's significance in the story?

4. Discuss this statement from page 223: "I know God forgives me. But I broke the law, and I have to face it. If I keep trying to hide it, I'm still guilty." Do you agree with him? Is experiencing forgiveness and inner freedom always contingent upon honesty?

5. What is Julie's role in the story? Do you feel she is a good character, or part of the problem?

6. If there had been no intervention in this story, what kind of future might Tessa have?

7. Professional counselors can be invaluable to hurting people, but they cannot take the place of a steady, caring friend like Patty. Do you know a struggling person who needs a friend? What obstacles keep you from being that friend?

8. If you could change one thing about this story, what would it be, and why?

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